Speaker Network

Speaker Network Talk

Speaker Network

We have a network of volunteer speakers around Cornwall available for interesting talks and inspiring presentations about our work. Find out how your support makes a huge difference by creating a wilder Cornwall. This service doesn't have a charge, but by learning about the impact Cornwall Wildlife Trust across the county, we hope you feel encouraged to donate, fundraise for us or consider us to be your charity of the year! 

We are delighted to now offer two presentations. The first, aimed at adult groups, is a general introduction to the work of Cornwall Wildlife Trust. The second, is aimed at school and youth groups for 5-11 year olds and provides a brief overview of our work followed by an activity. When booking a speaker please specify which presentation you would like.

Please note  these presentations are about the Trust in general with an overview of the work it does, we are currently unable to provide subject-specific presentations through this programme. You must also be able to provide screen/projector facilities to show a Powerpoint presentation. If this isn't possible, there may be the option for the Speaker to arrange hosting the talk at the CWT HQ in Allet, Truro. 

Click the button below to request a speaker and if they are available, they will be in contact with you to arrange the talk.

Please note: apologies but due to the voluntary nature of our speaker network, some requests may not be met. If your requested date is far in the future and you haven't heard back, please try again nearer the time. 

Please note: we are now offering a youth presentation aimed at audiences aged 5-11. Our speakers are not going to be DBS checked; therefore, we ask that a qualified teacher is present at all times during the presentation. 

Heather close up at Cornwall Wildlife Trust's nature reserve, Baker's Pit. Image by Ben Watkins

Heather close up at Cornwall Wildlife Trust's nature reserve, Baker's Pit. Image by Ben Watkins

Become a Community Speaker

We're always looking for passionate individuals to join our speaker network! If you'd like to help spread the word about the importance of Cornwall’s wildlife and wild places please get in touch!

Community Speaker Role